

Views: 77,051
Status: Completed
Type: Series
Released: May 28, 2021 to Sep 10, 2021
artiswitch ova - There is a rumor doing the rounds in Harajuku: somewhere in the back streets of Ura-Harajuku, a witch and her mysterious shop serve those whose wishes have gone unheard, giving them an opportunity to unlock their hearts' greatest desires.   Believing this to be an ideal arrangement, the proud apprentice witch Nina strives to fulfill her customers' wishes while her power and influence grow accordingly. However, not all wishes are meant to come true—and not all of them lead to a happy ending. As Nina is compelled to peer deeper into the human psyche, she soon discovers the dark side of a witch's obligations, and her ambitions begin to clash with her wish to comfort the entire world.
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Artiswitch information

There was a rumour among the young people in Harajuku, Tokyo. There is a place called Ura-Harajuku somewhere in Harajuku, and it seems that there is a shop run by a witch. The witch's name is Nina. A young witch with a chameleon and a pig fulfills the secret wishes of her guests. Her method is to invite her to a mysterious space and look into the "real feelings" deep inside her heart. Customers are sometimes excited, sometimes hurt, and make their own choices to fulfill their wishes.


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