Shichisei no Subaru (Sub)

Shichisei no Subaru (Sub)

Views: 1,143,945
Status: Completed
Type: Series
Released: Jul 6, 2018 to Sep 21, 2018
seven senses of the re union - In the popular MMORPG world 'Union' there existed a legendary party named Subaru. This party, made up of a group of childhood friends and elementary schoolers, exceeded the limits of the game with their various senses. However, due to an incident which resulted in a death, 'Union' ended its service and the group of childhood friends went separate ways. Six years later, highschooler Haruto logged into the new 'Reunion' and reunited with a single girl. Asahi—one of old 'Subaru' party members, and his childhood friend who should have died six years ago. Is she a digital ghost, or...?
Rating (2.9 - 1,101 votes)


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